Application for NJTSS-ER Consultative Support
- The New Jersey Tiered System of Supports for early reading (NJTSS-ER) is used to promote early reading proficiency in schools for K-3 students.
- Ongoing consultation with a state-level consultant with extensive expertise in NJTSS-ER is only available to districts through an application and selection process.
- In addition to receiving access to online courses, webinars, and resources (e.g., action plans, meeting protocols, materials, and tools), districts selected for consultative support benefit from:
- Intensive guidance, feedback, and support provided for 3 years via videoconferencing checkins with experienced state-level NJTSS-ER consultants;
- Utilization of an online platform to help guide the use of screening and diagnostic data,student grouping, progress monitoring, and the assignment of tier 2/3 interventions from acustomizable online intervention library; and
- An opportunity to apply for up to $2,000 for external trainings on evidence-based practices related to the implementation of multi-tiered support systems or early reading.
- Intensive guidance, feedback, and support provided for 3 years via videoconferencing checkins with experienced state-level NJTSS-ER consultants;
Click here to download the application:
Video Overview
This video provides an overview of the NJTSS-ER approach, the resources available to
all districts to support its implementation, and requirements for districts who are
selected through an application process to receive ongoing support from state-level
NJTSS-ER consultants.
Webinar Registration
Use this link to register for a synchronous webinar with an opportunity to ask questions
on January 25th, 3:00pm-3:45pm EST.